Metamorfosi, the collection signed by Michael Milesi
As part of a story celebrating the absolute concept of 'beauty', between art, architecture, fashion and nature, the new graphics designed by Michael Milesi of Millesimi Design studio for SpaghettiWall are a precious meeting point between classic and contemporary. Hence the name of the entire collection, “Metamorfosi”, which symbolises precisely the state of transition - between geometric and decorated, digital and hand-painted, but also between styles and epochs - that is not yet fully completed and which therefore generates contaminated and unprecedented hybrids.
So, if in the graphic “De Architectura” the Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower and a Compasso d'Oro, icon of the best Italian creative expression, appear in the same image, the contrast becomes even sharper and more amusing in “La Bella e la Bestia”, where the protagonists of the tale are a Goddess at the foot of a classical temple and a very modern King Kong, under a cascade of hand-painted stripes.
With an up-to-date language, in “Ossie” Milesi pays homage to the geometries of Ossie Clark and Swinging London, while in “Elisabeth” he reinterprets the classic British style among flowers, butterflies, leopards and queen bees. An iconography that also returns in the collection's last subject, “Savana”, which in a richly detailed painting is somewhere between vision and reality, between tapestry and wallpaper. The subjects of Metamorfosi are offered by SpaghettiWall on five different media, for residential and contract projects, living and bathroom environments, where the fibreglass material with Waterproof Finish guarantees the possibility of direct contact with water.