There are nine collections that group together the subjects of the SpaghettiWall catalogue, including geometric suggestions, three-dimensional effects, floral patterns or those inspired by the themes of art, history and painting, together with pop inspirations and textures referring to the textile world. Each of the 400 graphics proposed by the brand is then individually declined in different colour options - further customisable in the colouring - with nuances that make them ideal to cover different spaces or rooms, from the kitchen to the living room, up to the bathroom and bedrooms.
Among the proposed patterns, many suggest styles suitable for babies, children and teenagers, with delicate textures also available in pastel shades or, on the contrary, fun, pop and eccentric designs in bright shades, signed by Ana Basoc, RGB Comunicazione, Claudio Meninno, Daniele Lo Scalzo Moscheri, Toan Nguyen, among others. The graphics can be used on just one side of the room or create unique combinations within it, in combination with coloured plasters: printed at very high resolution, they are sized by SpaghettiWall on the basis of the wall to which they will be applied for the best aesthetic result, with a 'just in time' production process that envisages the complete customisation of each order. Finally, the 'cleaning' finish, which can be applied on the Sablé wallpaper (among the eleven selectable in the catalogue), allows for deep surface hygiene operations to remove any traces of marker or dirt, frequent in children's rooms.